Ghana Internship Program

The internship program of Ghana-Volunteers is a wonderful opportunity to gain extremely valuable experience in developing or underdeveloped countries by working in areas like social work, healthcare, education, conservation and many others. The program is ideal for students who want to seek academic credit to complete their program. Even if you don’t need the credit, enrolling in our internship program will still give you many benefits compared to just volunteering in a project. Here is what makes our internship program unique:

A supervisor

Ghana – Volunteer will appoint you a supervisor, under which you will conduct research, study, work and write a report. The supervisor will be an expert in the field you will chose to work and the person will guide you and give you all the necessary backup for you to become an expert in the area you choose to study. Because of the guidance you’ll receive, you’ll finish your internship program successfully and gain much more out of it.

Fully Customized Internship Program

You can choose from many different areas to do your internship. If you are a social worker and would like to study and work in a similar field, we can offer you orphanage project; an environmental student can work in our conservation project; someone from educational background can do their work in the schools. There are many areas for you to choose from. They are:

  • Social Work
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Women’s issues
  • Health sector
  • Language and culture
  • Environment and conservation

Flexible Program

You can choose how long you want to intern. The longer the better but we offer you shorter option also. You can basically choose from 2-12 weeks and enroll anytime of the year. On top of that, you can intern in more than one area if you want. For instance, you can choose to spend half of your time looking at environmental issues and the other half working at orphanages.

Unique Cultural Experience

With Ghana – Volunteers, your internship program will be much more than a normal experience. In our unique model, you’ll also learn about the culture and customs of your host country and make local friends. Many interns start their program with your unique language and culture immersion program. The program familiarizes the participants intimately with the host country. After that, you’ll then stay with a host family during your program. Your host family will serve you 3 local meals and take you in as a family member. Staying with a host family will be a wonderful opportunity to learn about local customs and cuisines and you can even practice local language skills you’ll have acquired by participating in our language and cultural program. Many interns have found this model thoroughly engrossing and a complete and unique experience.

Internship Certificate

Ghana – Volunteers will provide you with a Certificate of Completion after you finish your internship program. It will state the type of work you’ve done, the length of time you’ve taken to do it and what you’ve achieved. Your supervisor will also be happy to write you a letter of recommendation.

All this makes the internship program of Ghana – Volunteers unique and highly desirable. So come join our program and experience the country, the communities, the people and the work intimately.